Saturday, December 09, 2006

The chapter explains how tactics are the smallest building block of enacting a plan. BUT, even though they may be small things, not doing them correctly screws everything else up. This is what I love about the little things in life: without doing them right, the big things go all to hell. You want an 'A' in a class, but you can't get the grade unless you turn in your homework. You want to lose weight, but you can't do that unless you lay off the double cheeseburger for dinner. Doing the little things in life correctly can snowball into making you successful in reaching your goals. And that makes reaching those goals a little easier. It's all about baby steps. It's all about taking those little things in life, a favor from a friend, a smile from a stranger on the street, a pair of new socks, and not taking them all for granted. Every little thing is important, and everything adds on itself.


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