Saturday, December 09, 2006

Thinking about how many businesses DON'T have business continuity plans just reminds me of my procrastination problem and how my priorities are not always in order. In the book, they said half of all companies don't have a plan, and an even a larger percentage has not practiced theirs. It reminds me of how I put off some things that matter until the last minute (coughbloggingcough). And I don't think that businesses don't have plans because of this same thing exactly, but then again in some way, they both relate. From all of the hype about business crisis communication plans' importance, all companies in some light know of its importance, but maybe a lot of them refuse to face it because they have too many other things going on. Companies that don't have a plan entact have put it off because it is not a priority to them, when in fact, if something were to happen and they did not have a plan, their chances of surviving are slim to none. I think the issue of businesses not having these plans in order is like the old saying "you don't know what you have until it's gone."


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